Ben Cottrell Articles

ActivMovie Draft Format Spec

I'm fond of the former era of online gaming with Adobe Flash. I'm particularly curious about the format used during that time period, called Shockwave Flash, which was used to make interactive movies. I've drafted a specification for a format inspired by SWF here: …

Isso Now Working

In these days, user privacy is still too often overlooked, as this is something we trade for the wealth of social media. On here, I've decided to respect user privacy by choosing a commenting system which runs locally, and does not require PII information to function. I've chosen Isso, which …

A Frank Discussion about my Current Worklife

I have to be honest about something: I'm enduring a kind of hardship at the moment. For five years my cadence into polytech, uni and the odd employment, has been slowing. Luckily, from 2023, I have begun to persue study, at Massey again, getting B- grades for two papers: applied …

My Experience with Desktop Graphics on Fedora 38

Journey from NixOS NixOS was great for trying out new software, being able to revert to previous system wide configurations in the form of generations, as well as isolating dependant packages and identifying them with the derivation as a hash. Unfortunately, I had to rely on other experts to provide …

Adventures in NixOS

Trying out NixOS has been an interesting experience, and breaks away from traditional GNU/Linux distributions that I am normally accustomed to. There's a great emphasis on a configurable system environment, with the ability to roll-back changes, and to mitigate dependency issues. I've also been able to properly use the …

Animated Rose Pattern CanvasKit Version

Here's another version utilizing Skia's CanvasKit, which provides the GPU rasterizer through a WASM module, I also added variance of the radius giving a tapered pen effect: // HSBA conversion taken from function hsbaToRGBA(hsba) { const hue = hsba[0 …

Animated Rose Pattern with p5js

// Looks like its tilting let io = 0; let myShader; function setup() { createCanvas(892, 578); frameRate(60); } function draw() { background(0); const PI = 3.14159; const PSI = 2 * PI; var r = max(width / 2, height / 2) / 1.61803 * 0.1; translate(width / 2, height / 2); var thetaSteps = 2500; colorMode(HSB); strokeWeight …

Overhauling Wordpress

After Wordpress breaking due to minor formatting issues, and the difficulty of trying to backup the content from wp_posts table, I've decided to take a lighter route with Pelican: if it's suitable for the Linux Kernel, I can be confident of better ease of use.